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NGS* Garden

"John is that rare find - knowledgeable, informative, hard working, straightforward - with a sense of humour and a good eye. A keeper"

I was called in by the new owners’ of this 6 acre garden to help them turn a rather neglected and tired garden into one of quality, character and interest, as befits a garden which now opens annually for the National Garden Scheme.

The enthusiastic owners are very easy to work with and very quickly the garden began to be transformed into a place of great interest. My role has been both advisory and practical. I have been able to share my plant knowledge and have helped to improve the existing borders plus develop new areas around the garden. This is an on-going project and I help to prepare the garden for the NGS open days, plus carry out regular pruning and planting work. The garden now has new and exciting seating areas, three lovely ponds, a wildflower meadow, a Spring border, greenhouse area and woodland walk. It has become a great place to explore and relax in.

*NGS - The National Garden Scheme opens privately owned gardens in
England and Wales on selected dates for charity

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